Quantum Pranx


The Liberation Essays, No. 1

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Submitted by restoreliberty
Posted originally May 26, 2010


In response to the bankers and governments’ global rape, pillaging and plundering of people’s assets and freedoms, we are starting a series of essays that we call “The Liberation Essays” in an attempt to educate the masses about the true nature of the global financial system. We will continue to write our essays until we feel we have achieved our goal of education and eventually liberation from the racketeering firms that call themselves Wall Street and Central Banks.

In honor, courage and liberty,
Solon, Lindbergh, and Don Killimunati


In 1984, US President Ronald ordered the Grace Commission, headed by Chairman J. Peter Grace, to investigate waste and inefficiency in the US Federal government, including waste in the US federal income tax system. Their findings, though forgotten by the great majority of the world today, have also been ignored by our world’s leaders as well. In their deliberate dismissal of these crucial findings, our leaders have ushered in the global financial crisis and the countdown to our eventual meltdown into chaos.

I come to you today in the hopes of providing the spark of justice that may open our eyes to the unlawfulness, lies and immorality that our leaders have force-fed to us as the truth for our entire lives. They have necklaced us with an unjust, immoral monetary system and sold this lie to us as an acceptable system a hundred thousand times. All of us, whether we live in Greece, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Zimbabwe, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Portugal, or the United States, have been necklaced with this lie, and it is killing the future for every one of us.

There is no one that has a greater respect for patriotism than I, but today, our political and banking leaders have brainwashed us into believing that our patriotism is terrorism, and that their sociopathic behavior and terrorism is patriotism. In the same manner that the tyrannical King George labeled America’s forefathers as insurgents more than two centuries ago and rallied disdain against our most courageous patriots, we must take heed not to fall victim to the same ploys of our leaders today. If terrorists shall be those that fight against injustice and immorality and evil be the norm, then call me a terrorist! Follow not our leaders, for they are wolves in sheep’s clothing – charismatic and powerful wolves – but wolves nevertheless. Instead, seek what you know to be the truth in your heart of hearts. In every country, there are hardly more than a handful of men and women that occupy our governments that can be trusted. These men may make our laws, unjust as they may be, but they are not our God and they certainly are not our masters.

Today, our political leaders propose new legislation under the guise of reforms designed to protect us. Let us not be fooled as the purpose of this new legislation is not to protect us but to strip away of our freedoms. Know that vipers and thieves know no such thing as penance or guilt for the injustice they commit. Know that every act of contrition they display to curry our favor has at its core, hidden agendas and ulterior motives designed to pacify and subdue us. May our struggle against them remain intact and our spirits united. May we never bow down before them though they continue their immoral schemes to buy our collective silence. May we never dishonor and betray our movement to restore liberty for thirty pieces of silver. If we shall only serve one another as brothers and sisters and awaken each other from our deep intellectual slumber, we will recognize that surely among us walk kings and queens. If we shall awaken, then surely we shall again break free from the tyrannical deceit and the humiliating subjugation of bankers and rise up to once again become the commanders of our own fate.

I declare that there is not one among us that can call himself or herself a patriot if he or she fails to take action against the injustices being levied against us by bankers and governments. I look towards Greece and I tell you, the Greeks should be applauded for taking a stand against injustice. Better to die on our feet as women and men than to live out our lives on our knees!

Today, our political and banking leaders have imposed monetary injustices upon us all that are far worse than the those led to revolution and a rebirth of a Republic in 1776. Today, we remain silent because, for decades, bankers have spent billions to misinform us, and billions more to create a monetary system that cleverly hides their theft and lies from us. Today banks create nothing of utility or of benefit to society. They have no more use to us than swamp leeches that suck our blood and drain our vitality. It is time for us to wake up, cease listening to the propaganda of our leaders that work for the financial elites, and realize that the difficulties we will face for the next decade have been created by private banking families, large commercial banks and Wall Street firms that act in collusion with the world’s Central Banks. Today, we must say ENOUGH!

Yes, the CFTC, the SEC, Moodys, Fitch, and Standard & Poors are all complicit in creating our financial crisis due to their failure, in past years and present day, to regulate financial markets in a manner that protects citizens against the greed of bankers. Yes, agents of Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan and their incessant lobbying to destroy Glass Steagall regulations and their subsequent creation of a notional OTC derivatives market in excess of $600 trillion all served as trigger men to lay the foundation for the construction of financial markets with the structural integrity of a house of cards. But as massive a failure as our regulatory system has been, and as predatory as the practices engaged in by our financial companies have been, every one of these fraudulent roads paved by these institutions was enabled by an unsound monetary system created and implemented by Central Banks.

I implore every citizen of this world to take great care to consider the following facts:

In 1984, a US Presidential commissioned panel, the Grace Commission, discovered that 100% of income taxes levied by the IRS upon all US citizens, are “absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.”

100% of all income taxes levied upon US citizens are either

(1) shuttled directly into the private coffers of the private owners of the US Federal Reserve central bank, as this is the portion of income taxes appropriated toward “interest on the Federal debt”; or

(2) absorbed by government subsidies (bailouts for bankers), corporate welfare, etc, that produce zero output beneficial to society.

There is no difference between the immoral act of US federal income tax and an annual home invasion by an armed criminal that steals an amount equivalent to the income taxes levied upon American citizens.  In other countries, the levying of income taxes may not be as unjust as it is in America due to differing appropriations that have some benefit towards citizens, but a large portion of all income taxes in all countries are the equivalent of theft executed by thieving bankers. Even if we shall live in a country in which we receive some benefits from the income taxes we pay, we must ask ourselves, Would we not be much better off paying zero income taxes and paying for these benefits out of pocket? We must ask ourselves, If banks take such significant percentages of our earned income every year, why do we not receive a transparent accounting every year as to EXACTLY how are taxed monies are spent?  Why must we provide a line by line accounting of our income to governments yet accept their refusal to provide us with a line by line accounting of how they spend our income taxes?

We do not receive such accounting, because if we did, then bankers would have to admit that they team up with governments to rob us every year of our hard earned monies and that we receive ZERO benefit for the large portion of income taxes we pay every year! If we would not allow strangers to enter our homes to take tens of thousands of dollars, Euros or yen every year without giving us reason, then we must ask ourselves why we so willingly hand our money over to bankers every year in the form of income taxes? Shall we suffer such injustices in silence and not question the very immorality of a monetary system that should perpetuate theft under the disguise of a tax, a tax that would be unnecessary if our Central Banks printed sound money?  And if you are learning about the injustice of the income tax for the first time today, then you must spread this TRUTH to everyone you know. This is the only chance we have to fight the criminal banking element that will increase their thefts, their robberies and their rates of imprisonment levied against us as the very financial crisis they created worsens.

Because world governments have assumed massive debts that are impossible to repay, we will undoubtedly witness one of the greatest expansions of government taxation upon the people worldwide. The same governments around the world that will prosecute and jail us for not paying our debts will refuse to pay down theirs. They will resort to taxing us at higher rates to pay down the debts they refuse to pay themselves. Not only will our income taxes rise, but our banker-directed governments will invent brand new taxes such as carbon taxes, value added taxes and other fraudulent schemes to further rob and enslave us. We will further be slapped unceremoniously with increased rates on existing taxes such as property taxes, gasoline taxes, and cigarette taxes and the costs of our energy will rise tremendously. The purpose of these new taxes will be none other than to bankrupt us in order to save THEIR fraudulent monetary system. Is this righteous? Is this freedom? Today, we must say ENOUGH!

I have heard those that falsely claim that the problem is not unsound money. This is but a juvenile attempt to divert our focus and our attention from the root of the problem. They put forth the argument that it matters not what is used as money today, but only who controls our money. Yet this argument rings false. A sound monetary system provides a basis for the people, NOT our private bankers and NOT our government, to control the very value of the money in our monetary system. This is why sound money is of such utter importance. Sound money means money will not be created as debt as it is today.

When US President Nixon closed the window to the gold standard in 1971 for the entire world, he did so at the urging of bankers and Keynesian economists that had failed in their attempt to cheat the world out of the maintenance of a true gold standard and sound money. France exposed the dishonesty of bankers under the Bretton Woods system, and as a consequence, the bankers began losing their gold reserves. Under a sound monetary system, the PEOPLE, not the bankers maintain control over our money’s value. Under an unsound monetary system, the BANKERS, not the people, maintain control over our money’s value. This is why a sound monetary system is more important than who controls the money. Under a sound monetary system, even vipers and thieves cannot control the value of the money! Today, Central Banks devalue all the world’s major currencies at such a great rate that all the professional counterfeiters in the world combined could not begin to compete with the rate at which Central Banks destroy monetary value. Today, we must say ENOUGH!

In 1984, the US Grace Commission further concluded:

“Mr. President, you have been so correct in resisting attempts to balance the budget by increasing taxes. The tax load on the average American family is already at counterproductive levels with the underground economy having now grown to an estimated $500 billion per year, costing about $100 billion in lost Federal tax revenues per year.  The size of the underground economy is understandable when one considers that median family income taxes have increased from $9 in 1948 to $2,218 in 1983, or by 246 times. This is runaway taxation at its worst.

“Importantly, any meaningful increases in taxes from personal income would have to come from lower and middle income families, as 90 percent of all personal taxable income is generated below the taxable income level of $35,000. Further, there isn’t much more that can be extracted from high income brackets. If the Government took 100 percent of all taxable income beyond the $75,000 tax bracket not already taxed, it would get only $17 billion, and this confiscation, which would destroy productive enterprise, would only be sufficient to run the Government for seven days.”

When theft from our citizens is legalized, when the majority of us are apt to shut our eyes to this theft, and when our morally bankrupt leaders of the world aid the continuation of this theft year after year, should we be surprised when resources become scarce, our cost of living rises every year, and aggression and dissension among us grows stronger every day? Should we be shocked when public anger causes our leaders to shift the blame to others, specifically to foreigners and immigrants, as did the Nazis when difficult economic times descended upon Germany?  The time to act, the time for courage, is now. We shall no longer listen to the empty promises of politicians that publicly champion reform during the day while continuing to collude with bankers under the cover of night. We shall no longer stand idly by in the face of new legislation that consolidates the power of bankers while politicians cleverly consummate its passage under the guise of reform.

To expect our politicians to lead the restoration of our freedoms will result in our self-destruction. I assure you that our leaders today serve the money masters and self-anointed financial tyrants that bestowed upon them their power and that multiplied their wealth. Trust not our politicians for they will lead us down a road that will end in betrayal and the extinguishment of the fertile flame of hope. Is it not foolish to expect the restoration of our freedoms to be born from the very men that have worked so hard to deny us our liberties? Take good note of those politicians that speak out today against the crimes of banks and Wall Street as many among them are the very same men and women that voted to transfer the burden of the financial industry’s greed and wanton destruction to your family and our children through financial bailout bills. They are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing and no better than vipers and thieves! They speak out today not to save our freedoms and not to save our Republics, but only to save their political careers.

This is neither a time to curb one’s tongue nor to cower in fear of our leaders. Great courage will be necessary to save every great Republic, whether at home or abroad. We have cowered for ninety-seven years, and I say cower no more!  The lines have already been drawn in the financial war that will ensue between the elite and the rest of our nation. Every one among you must answer the question of whether you will relegate yourself to a position of slavery under the bankers or whether you will fight to restore liberty and a life of freedom. I have heard all the excuses before. Let the rich sort out our problems for they created them! Let our government lead the way! Let us be patient and wait until the time is more fertile for revolt! I assure you that the rich will not rescue you, that bankers have seized control over all governments, and that waiting will only seal our fate and destroy our opportunity for liberation. Today, we must WAKE UP and we must say ENOUGH!

We will never have more power than we have today. With each passing day, the financial oligarchs busily write laws behind closed doors that they will sell to us as reform, regulation and redemption, but in reality, will shackle, pacify, and subjugate us until all hope will be lost. Shall we fight for the freedoms the founding men and women of our Republics promised us or shall we slink away like scolded dogs with our tails between our legs?  Shall we fight for our freedoms while we still can or shall we open the doors for tyranny by accepting the unjust applications of just laws and rationalize such injustices as acceptable because of our own unwillingness to face our own demons and prejudices? Today, we must say ENOUGH!

There will be those among us that are comfortable with our designated role among the financial elites and who will choose not to speak out when we observe freedoms being curtailed for others because we are not directly affected to the same degree as many of our brothers and sisters. But if we shall refuse to speak out against the injustices being inflicted upon our brothers and sisters today, who shall speak out for us when they decide to come for us tomorrow? We must follow the lead of revolutionaries that preceded us that formed a united front across all social and economic classes to defeat their oppressors.

The oppressive new immigration laws we have witnessed in Arizona, the United States, and the oppressive new austerity laws we have witnessed in Greece and Portugal are but the first of the new Intolerable Acts that bankers and their shill governments will levy upon us. We should be careful not to mistake righteous law with the unrighteous manner in which it is applied and its unrighteous enactment that is designed to divert our attention away from the true robbers and barons. Let us not enact legislation out of fear and divisiveness as our politicians have done to divert blame away from themselves. What has happened in Arizona with American politicians blaming Mexicans for their problems is no different than the Greeks blaming Germany or the Chinese blaming Americans for their financial woes. Who has created the economic woes in all of these countries that politicians blame immigrants and nationals for? Immigrants? Nationals? Or Bankers & Governments?

If we shall allow their initial attempts to divide us succeed, will such meager thinking on our end not feed the confidence of our oppressors to enact new injustices upon us  until not a single one among us will not remain unaffected by their tyranny? If we stand by and do nothing now, what will we do when the bankers come for our silver and gold?  Today, we must stand in solidarity with our unjustly persecuted brothers and sisters, even if they are of a different color, religion, or political party, or forever risk losing our chance to restore freedom. If we can not muster up resolve now, we will find ourselves awakened in the middle of the night by Secret Police, our freedoms forever gone, asking ourselves how we ever could have let ourselves become prisoners in our own countries. I say no more excuses! Today, we must say ENOUGH!

We shall fight, for even though bankers have conditioned and softened us to believe we are weak through misinformation and propaganda, our faith and strength will provide us with unbreakable resolve. We shall fight, and when we do, those that have been too fearful to speak out against the injustices they witness will eventually forge the way forward and become leaders for the weaker among us. We shall fight, and when we do, our legislators will know that they can no longer mandate legislation that continues to tell us that wrong is right and that right is wrong. We shall fight, and when we do, we will remind our brothers and sisters that we shall fight to restore our Republics, as Plato warned us that all democracies eventually degenerate into tyrannies. We shall fight, and when we do, we shall awaken our brothers and sisters that falsely believe they are free even though our freedoms today are nothing but an illusion.

In 1984, the US Grace Commission stated, “If fundamental changes are not made in Federal spending, as compared with the fiscal 1983 deficit of $195 billion, a deficit of over ten times that amount, $2 trillion, is projected for the year 2000, only 17 years from now. In that year, the Federal debt would be $13.0 trillion ($160,000 per current taxpayer) and the interest alone on the debt would be $1.5 trillion per year ($18,500 per year per current taxpayer).”

Little more than a decade later, inclusive of off-balance sheet, unfunded government liabilities, our deficit now stands at greater than $75 trillion, far worse than even the worst nightmares of the Grace Commission. With future generations buried under a heap of debt before they are born, we must ask ourselves if we are willing to let our future generations be burdened by massive debt. I ask of you, IS THIS FREEDOM? Shall we continue to delude ourselves with false notions of economic recovery sold to us by men that we know have not an ounce of integrity in their bones? And who is being burdened with the false recovery that comes on the backs of trillions of dollars of aid in Asia, the EU and the Republic of America? It is us, our children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren. The multi-generational burden of these bailouts is staggering. Today, we must say ENOUGH!

Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest

Written by aurick

07/06/2010 at 11:03 am

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