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Swine Flu myths for the gullible

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by Jon Rappoport www.nomorefakenews.com
Posted April 30, 2009

RECENTLY, A TALK-SHOW PRODUCER said to me, “But you aren’t denying people are dying, are you?” 

This was her response to my statement that the Swine Flu had all the makings of a hoax.
I’ve had this response before in other similar situations. So let’s start with this: Obviously, you can’t have an outbreak of a new dangerous disease unless people are dying.

But just because people are dying, you can’t automatically assume you have a new disease outbreak. Why not? Because people die everywhere all the time. The television news doesn’t report regular ongoing death stats every day, but they’re there. They’re there in China, in Mexico, in the US, in Tierra del Fuego. People are dying for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with new diseases. And many of them have so-called flu symptoms.

The primary hypnotic effect occurs at the beginning of the first official announcement of an outbreak: PEOPLE ARE DYING, AND SCIENTISTS SAY THEY HAVE A NEW DISEASE ON THEIR HANDS. THERE MUST BE A NEW DISEASE, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DYING. If you dare to ask why they’re dying, you’ll get the answer right away. There’s a new disease. There’s a new germ. But is there? Where is that new germ? Have researchers isolated it from the blood or swab of a human patient? Have other independent labs confirmed that they, too, can find this whole germ in patients? 

This is where most people turn away and say, “Well, the tests must be good. The world’s leading scientists are doing them.”

“The scientists must be right, and oh my God, people are dying. People are dying. It’s a new disease. Is it coming across the border? I hear it’s spreading all over the world. What should I do? Stay indoors? Wash my hands every two minutes? Lock my kids in the basement? They just cancelled baseball practice, so there must be a new disease.”

A parent turns on the news. It’s all over the channels. Anchors are reporting new cases. They’re pounding the story every three minutes. The parent rarely stops to consider that these news people know nothing. They know nothing. Their whole job is to appear credible while knowing nothing. The broadcasters are simply relaying what medical bureaucrats are saying. Relaying what other people are saying is the very definition of knowing nothing. So back to the virus. The new virus. Where is it?

So far, I’ve seen no news stories or CDC statements that claim anyone has found it. Instead, the story goes this way: Scientists have found PIECES of pig and bird and human flu viruses. Now, all by itself, does that add up to saying they’ve actually found a virus? NO. Here is a clue. Whether you like it or not, the human body is FILLED with germs. Millions and millions of them. All sorts of different germs and pieces of germs and genetic fragments of who know what. The body is not a pure vessel. Never was.

The fact is, humans live quite nicely with untold numbers of germs floating around inside them, because most of these germs do no harm. And the ones that do are blasted nicely by a strong immune system. So if you run a test which seems to show tiny fragments of various germs are in the body, you know nothing about what may be causing disease.

It gets worse. The test scientists are using on patients to detect Swine Flu is a version of the PCR. What does the PCR do? The PCR amplifies the tiniest specks of genetic material, any sort of genetic material, from almost nothing to the point where the scientists can see it.
That gives you a second clue. Whatever these researchers are seeing with their PCR is so infinitesimal that there is no reason to believe it’s actually causing any human disease – because germs contribute to disease when there are millions and millions of them chewing away inside the body. Millions and millions. In which case, you wouldn’t need the PCR to find them. You could find them with far simpler methods.

So where is this combo pig-bird-human virus? Where is the whole virus? Until the answer to that question is credibly put forward, there is no reason, despite the blather filling the airwaves, to assume a new disease is on the loose. But people in Mexico are dying. We don’t know how many. The reports from there might be understated. Are they dying for reasons that didn’t apply last month? Did anything new happen? Did somebody dump a great deal of pesticide? Did an apartment complex suddenly develop horrendous problems with its plumbing, causing leaks of feces from apartment to apartment?

This is exactly what happened in the Amoy Gardens Apartments in Hong Kong, when SARS was all the rage in 2003. Twenty five per cent of all the so-called sars cases in hong kong, at one point, were found to have been caused by those leaks, which created a kind of above ground sewage dump in the apartment complex. and dying from sewage is not “a new disease.”

It remains to be seen what is happening in Mexico. Hundreds of millions of people, every year, have serious flu symptoms all over the world. Maybe in Mexico, this is just an upsurge in regular flu. Maybe it’s nothing new at all. Or maybe some new toxic environmental situation has been created there.

There is more. Death from germs doesn’t happen in a vacuum. If you took a group of, say, a thousand people who died and you examined their backgrounds carefully, you would find other factors: prior use of toxic medications in large amounts; street drugs and contaminated street drugs; massive industrial pollution; other forms of environmental toxicity; gross malnutrition and protein calorie malnutrition; contaminated water supplies; toxic vaccines.

And so on and so forth. You have to understand the germs would never have gained a foothold in most or all of these cases, unless one or several of these other factors were present. That changes the picture. It’s not a “germ outbreak” anymore. It is this: the overall immune defense system of the body breaks down from one of these other factors, and then the germs have a field day. But people are not tuned in to this model. They prefer to believe something much simpler: They develop symptoms when germs enter their bodies and then they must go to the doctor and take his medicines, no matter how toxic they are.

As I have written many times, the biggest error people make concerning “new disease outbreaks” is believing there is an IT in the first place. An IT that is a single disease entity caused entirely by a new germ. Once you swallow that, everything follows. You’re operating in a hypnotic sphere. You’ve bought the bill of goods. In order for a particular germ to have ANY relevance in widespread human disease, you have to be able to find it, whole and intact, in all the patients; you have to find enough of it in the patients to be able to say the germ is causing harm; and if you can’t, it makes no sense to say you have an IT, a unique disease.

So far, these conditions have not been fulfilled with so-called Swine Flu or Mexican Flu or (A)H1N1 or whatever the latest title is. Unfortunately, most people opt for hypnotic belief and faith. As soon as they hear reports that people are dying, they assume there is an IT, and they want to know what they should do about IT. They can’t deal with the reports of deaths and illness without rushing to judgment.

They want a disease name and a germ name right now and then they want something that will kill the germ. They don’t really care about the truth. They don’t have time for it. They don’t trust their own ability to think things through. And after reading this article, they’ll say, “Very interesting, but can you tell me what I can do to protect myself against H1N1?”

So these people sit in front of their television sets and watch the news. They watch a lot of news about what agencies are doing about something that has never been proved to be a new disease. Under the surface, this is what they’re really watching: “Today, government officials in Idaho cancelled the potato fest, after consulting with officials in Arizona who shut down the recreation league baseball tournament, after the CDC issued a new warning about a germ they haven’t found… based on rumor and gossip, New Jersey followed suit with Texas and put an airtight dome over the whole state and many new homes are being built at the north pole for fleeing citizens…”

One thing is certain. “News” about (A)H1N1 Swine Flu Mexican Flu pig-bird-human flu is effectively crowding out news about the economy. It’s quite a sensational diversion.

of all the so-called sars cases in hong kong, at one point, were found to have been caused by those leaks, which created a kind of above ground sewage dump in the apartment complex. and dying from sewage is not “a new disease.of all the so-called sars cases in hong kong, at one point, were found to have been caused by those leaks, which created a kind of above ground sewage dump in the apartment complex. and dying from sewage is not “a new disease.”It remains to be seen what is happening in Mexico. Hundreds of millions of people, every year, have serious flu symptoms all over the world. Maybe in Mexico, this is just an upsurge in regular flu. Maybe it’s nothing new at all. Or maybe some new toxic environmental situation has been created there. 

There is more. 

Death from germs doesn’t happen in a vacuum. If you took a group of, say, a thousand people who died and you examined their backgrounds carefully, you would find other factors: prior use of toxic medications in large amounts; street drugs and contaminated street drugs; massive industrial pollution; other forms of environmental toxicity; gross malnutrition and protein calorie malnutrition; contaminated water supplies; toxic vaccines. And so on and so forth. You have to understand the germs would never have gained a foothold in most or all of these cases, unless one or several of these other factors were present. That changes the picture. It’s not a “germ outbreak” anymore. It is this: 


But people are not tuned in to this model. They prefer to believe something much simpler: They develop symptoms when germs enter their bodies and then they must go to the doctor and take his medicines, no matter how toxic they are. 

As I have written many times, the biggest error people make concerning “new disease outbreaks” is believing there is an IT in the first place. An IT that is a single disease entity caused entirely by a new germ. Once you swallow that, everything follows. You’re operating in a hypnotic sphere. You’ve bought the bill of goods. 

In order for a particular germ to have ANY relevance in widespread human disease, you have to be able to FIND IT, whole and intact, in all the patients; you have to find enough of it in the patients to be able to say the germ is causing harm; and if you can’t, it makes no sense to say you have an IT, a unique disease. 

So far, these conditions have not been fulfilled with so-called Swine Flu or Mexican Flu or (A)H1N1 or whatever the latest title is. 

Unfortunately, most people opt for hypnotic belief and faith. As soon as they hear reports that people are dying, they assume there is an IT, and they want to know what they should do about IT. They can’t deal with the reports of deaths and illness without rushing to judgment. They want a disease name and a germ name right now and then they want something that will kill the germ. They don’t really care about the truth. They don’t have time for it. They don’t trust their own ability to think things through. 

And after reading this article, they’ll say, “Very interesting, but can you tell me what I can do to protect myself against H1N1?” 

So these people sit in front of their television sets and watch the news. They watch a lot of news about what agencies are doing about something that has never been proved to be a new disease. 

Under the surface, this is what they’re really watching: 


One thing is certain. “News” about (A)H1N1 Swine Flu Mexican Flu pig-bird-human flu is effectively crowding out news about the economy. It’s quite a sensational diversion. 

Copyright © 2005-2009 The Jon Rappoport Store by MRW Connected

Written by aurick

29/05/2009 at 10:45 pm

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